ghastly (adj.) [ˈɡæs(t)li]

definition : shocking in a way that frightens or upsets you;very bad or unpleasant.

EX : The sick woman's face wasghastly.

wrestle (v.) [ˈres(ə)l]

definition : to fight by holding and pushing someone.

EX : Many the generations wrestle, knees grinding the dust.

outrageous (adj.) [aʊtˈreɪdʒəs]

definition : Very shocking or unreasonable;extremely unusual and likely to shock people or male them.

EX : My boss was outrageous and fired me.

meticulous (a.) [məˋtɪkjələs]

definition : very careful about small details, and always making sure that everything is done correctly.

EX : The book describes his journey in meticulous detail.

bloated (adj.) [ˈbloʊtəd]

definition : a bloated organization or system is not effective because it is too large or has too many workers.

EX : He has a bloated , uncomfortable feeling after meal.

ramification (n.) [͵ræməfəˋkeʃən]

definition : an additional result of something you do, which may not have been clear when you first decided to do it.

EX : An agreement which was to have significant ramifications for British politics.

wince (v.) [wɪns]

definition : To react to something with a sudden expression on your face that shows you are embarrasses or feel pain.

EX : He winced mentally at the terrible news.

buckle (v.) [ˋbʌk!]

definition : to become bent or curved because of heat or pressure, or to make something bend or curve in this way.

EX : The pilot told us to buckle our seat belts because the plane was about to land.

insolent (adj.)[ˈɪnsələnt]

definition : Rude, especially when you should be showing respect.

EX : An instance of insolent behavior, treatment, or speech.

slacken (v.) [ˈslækən]

definition : to become looser, or to make something looser.

EX : We're on the last lap, so don't slacken!

propitiate (v.)[prəˋpɪʃɪ͵et]

definition : to make someone who has been unfriendly or angry with you feel more friendly by doing something to please them.

EX : They offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods.

assessment (n.) [əˈsesmənt]

definition : the process of making a judgment or forming an opinion, after considering something or someone carefully.

EX : Your assessment is substantially correct.

adversary (n.) [ˋædvɚ͵sɛrɪ]

definition : a country or person you are fighting or competing against .

EX : He is a shrewd and sometimes ruthless adversary.

slaughter (n.) [ˋslɔ:tə]

definition : the act of killing; specifically : the butchering of livestock for market.

EX : We raise cattle for slaughter.

scornful (adj.) [ˋskɔ:nfəl]

definition : ready to take place; especially : hanging threateningly over one's head.

EX : They are openly scornful of the new plans.

rationalist (adj.)['ræʃənḷɪst]


Of or relating to or characteristic of rationalism.

EX : It is a classic sanctuary in which the rationalist fancy may take refuge. 

abyss (n.) [əˈbɪs]

definition : a very frightening or dangerous situation, or one in which there seems to be no hope.

EX : He has been in the abyss of despair.

reproach (v.) [rɪˋprotʃ]

definition : to blame or criticize someone in a way that shows you aredisappointed at what they have done.

EX : He publicly reproached his son for his behavior.

legitimate (adj.) [ləˈdʒɪtəmət]

definition : allowed by the law, or correct according to the law;fair and reasonable.

EX : Jesus was the legitimateheir to the throne.

forge (v.) [fɔrdʒ]

definition : to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people, groups, or countries.

EX : Back in the 1980s, they were attempting to forge a new kind of rock music.

canonical (adj.) [kəˈnɑnɪk(ə)l]

definition : following the generally accepted rules of something;based on the laws of a Christian church.


EX : On Hebrew Canonical Prophets Epistemology.

metaphor (n.) [ˈmetəˌfɔr]

definition : a word that means one thing and is used for referring to another thing in order to emphasize their similar qualities.

EX : The analogical use of a metaphor.

prop (v.) [prɑp]

definition : To hold something in position by putting something under or against it, or by leaning it against something else.

EX : He propped his bicycle up against the fence.

vulture (n.) [ˈvʌltʃər]

definition : a large bird that eats the bodies of dead animals.

EX : Like vulture robbed of their young.

oath (n.)[oʊθ]

definition : a formal promise, especially one made in a court of law.

EX : The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.



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