1.sandal (n) 

a light shoe consisting of a bottom part held onto the foot by straps

Many people wear sandals in the summer.


2.recline (v) 

to lie back with the upper part of your body in a horizontal position

The tired girl reclined on the couch.


3.devour (v) 

to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is left

The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.


4.chop (v) 

to cut something into small pieces

Chop an onion finely.


5.leek (n) 

a long white and green vegetable that smells and tastes similar to an onion

When I was young I grew some leeks in a pot.


6.vegabond (adj) 

a person who has no home and usually no job, and who travels from place to place

They are living a vagabond life.


7.tingle (v) 

If a part of your body tingles, the skin feels slightly uncomfortable

My hands are starting to tingle with the cold.


8.trance (n) 

a condition in which you are not completely conscious of what is happening around you or able to control what you are doing

He sat staring out of the window as if in a trance.


9.flail (v)

to wave or move your arms and legs about energetically and in an uncontrolled way

The wasp came towards us and Howard started flailing his arms around.


10.windmill (n) 

a building with long parts at the top that turn in the wind, used for producing power or crushing grain

The grinder was powered by a windmill.


11.salute (n) 

a sign of respect to someone of a higher rank in a military organization, often made by raising the right hand to the side of the head

The officers exchanged salutes.


12.omelette (v)

a food made with eggs that have been mixed and fried, often with other foods added


13.iceberg (n) 

a very large piece of ice that floats in the sea

The ship struck an iceberg.


14.hubbub (n)

a loud noise, especially caused by a lot of people all talking at the same time

I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the theatre bar.


15.conservatory (n) 

a room attached to a house that has windows all around it and a glass roof


16.fetch (v) 

to go get something or someone and bring the thing or person back

She’s been teaching the dog to fetch.


17.porch (n) 

a covered area next to the entrance of a house, sometimes open to the air and sometimes surrounded by a screen (= wire net)

The back porch looks out on our garden.


18.citadel (n.) 

a castle on high ground in or near a city where people could go when the city was being attacked

the last citadel of freedom


19.soothe (v.) 

to make somebody who is anxious, upset, etc. feel calmer

She made a cup of tea to soothe her nerves.


20.gnaw (v.)

to keep biting something or chewing it hard, so that it gradually disappears

A rat had gnawed a hole in the box.



to complain in an annoying way

Stop whingeing about the situation and accept it.


22.vengeance (n.)

the act of punishing or harming somebody in return for what they have done to you, your family or friends

a desire for vengeance


23.prow (n.)

the pointed front part of a ship or boat


24.skim (n.)

to remove fat, cream, etc. from the surface of a liquid

After simmering the meat, skim the fat from the surface.



a person or group that begins an activity or leads an attack against somebody/something

the troops who spearheaded the rescue mission




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    StanLey's English Notes

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